Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Frequently asked linkaGoGo questions

Here a post from 2006 about the new FAQ. This has been a tremendous success, it cut down the amount of support questions significantly.

After over 5 years of linkaGoGo support, I finally decided to create a linkaGoGo Frequently Asked Questions page. As some of the questions were definitely frequent.

So here are the top three of frequently asked questions:

1)      I continually get logged out, how can I fix this?
2)      How do I remove my account? This question definitely became more frequent when we started sending out reminders when people’s trial was about to expire and we asked if they wanted to buy a subscription or stick to the free Basic subscription.
3)      How do I change my email address?

So the answers to these and six other frequent questions can now be found on the official linkaGoGo FAQ.

You can access the FAQ from the Help menu and the Contact Us page.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Keywords = Tags

Here a post on I did earlier in November 2005 about the then  new Tag hype.

I have done both for years in linkaGoGo. In linkaGoGo tags are just called keywords. So from a linkaGoGo perspective:

Keywords = Tags

I use folders to give a bookmark a location where I can quickly navigate. For example all my banking links are in the Finance folder. I do that because folders provide a quick way to navigate to something as long as you remember where you stored it. In that case the  bookmark is only one or two clicks away.

That is if I remember where I stored it. If I don’t remember what folder I stored it in, I fall back to searching. When doing a search, the keywords come into play, you would type a keyword like ‘bank’ and all bookmarks tagged with that keyword will show up. Most of the time the bookmark I was looking for shows up.

Note the above scenario describes a situation where I know what bookmark I would like to use. If I don’t know what specific bookmark I want to use, for example when I’m researching a topic about XML, I would search on XML in linkaGoGo. Then from the result list I start surfing. Also I can try to find a folder called XML. In general I do know what folders I have on linkaGoGo.

In the example above I use the Folders to navigate to something, either a particular bookmark or a folder about a topic. I use the keywords, as a fallback mechanism, in a search. Which means typing, which in my case is most of the times slower then 2 mouse-clicks. If I had a mechanism to quickly navigate my keywords with my mouse then things would get interesting.

On other sites I have seen a number of solutions for navigation tags. I have seen a list of all tags. With 585 unique keywords for my bookmarks that is not handy. The variation on the list used by Flickr and Technorati is showing tags with more links in a larger font. Another option, I have seen is displaying the 20 Tags with the most bookmarks, which is not useful, as it needs to be complete list. I do like the del.icio.us approach where after clicking a tag and new list of tags appears which is based on the bookmarks for the main tag.

So basically the feature linkaGoGo is missing is a good keyword (tag) browser to navigate your keywords. linkaGoGo used to have one before the whole tag hype started, but was not implemented in such a way that it was useful, so removed it. So without touching the existing features will bring Keyword navigation to site. May I’ll experiment with some interactive development where I will make a first cut available to play with and then refine it on feedback. With the Keyword browser linkaGoGo can do both worlds and even go across between them. Within the context of Keyword look at available folders or within a Folder context look at the available tags.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

GoGolian is back

I'm back!!!

I hadn't had a chance to move my GoGolian blog after blogger removed their FTP support, were GoGolian was hosted. Unfortunately my old posts were never moved. My own fault I missed the migration deadline. Anyway glad to be back. Over the next few days will repost some of the old posts which I think should still be appropriate.

For those who don't know GoGolian. I am the owner and developer of the linkaGoGo bookmarking website. I started linkaGoGo in 2001 and with some ups and downs is still going strong.
